Jaw Abnormalities

What Are Jaw Abnormalities?

Jaw abnormalities affect the bite and appearance of patients. These may be due to a cleft lip and palate or other causes.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Jaw Abnormalities?

The most common jaw abnormalities are the following:

  • A small upper jaw, with or without a large lower jaw, with upper teeth that are significantly behind the lower teeth (negative overjet or sometimes called an "underbite")
  • A small lower jaw, with lower teeth that are significantly behind the upper teeth (positive overjet or sometimes called an "overbite")
  • Front teeth that do not touch (anterior openbite)
  • Upper teeth that show too much when smiling (excessive tooth show)
  • An excessively small chin (microgenia)
  • An asymmetric or tilted jaw causing an occlusal cant
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How Are Jaw Abnormalities Diagnosed?

Jaw abnormalities are diagnosed on physical examination. When planning surgery, most patients will need orthodontics (braces).

How Are Jaw Abnormalities Treated?

Before surgery, a CT scan and dental models are obtained. This allows the surgeon to perform virtual surgical planning.

Surgery for jaw abnormalities can include one or a combination of the following procedures:

  • LeFort 1: This operation moves the upper jaw in any direction. All incisions are inside the mouth.
  • Bilateral sagittal splint osteotomy (BSSO): This operation moves the lower jaw in any direction. All incisions are inside the mouth, except for a very small 3mm incision on each cheek.
  • Genioplasty: this operation moves the chin without repositioning the jaw itself. All incisions are inside the mouth.
Use our secure online form to request an appointment with our experts or get a second opinion. An appointment scheduler will contact you by phone within 24 hours.