Scientific Writing Program

2020 Scientific Writing Program Calendar

The Abigail Wexner Research Institute of Nationwide Children’s Hospital is excited to announce the new and improved 2020 Scientific Writing Program to facilitate best writing practices, improved prospects for funding, and sterling publications. Training opportunities include opportunities for writers at all stages: Seminars (one-hour) with more general content for wider audiences (staff through junior faculty), Workshops (all day) for targeted more committed participants, and Writing Groups for serious R and K Grant application writers and biomedical authors. Seminars are open to all, but registration in Training Tracker is required for all Workshops and Writing Groups to verify commitment as participation is limited to committed applicants. See details on Workshops and Writing Groups below. Specific details on all seminars, workshops, and Writing Groups can be found below for your planning purposes. We encourage you and your mentors to review the program together, select your needed courses and get them on your calendar (register as needed) to purposefully plan your training in 2020. 

New for 2020 

  • Mock Study Section and Study Section Member Panel
  • Teaming Up with SPO: Your Proposal’s Ally by Todd Neilsen, Jeannette Holshu, Alison Pappas (dates TBD)
  • Powerful Poster Presentations! by Chris Bartlett, PhD
  • Manuscript Writing Groups – TBD; looking at organizing a group in the fall of 2020 if sufficient interest. 
  • Biostatistical Seminars on Data Presentation – TBD; working with the Biostats Core on your proposal; common biostats, how to use them, and what they mean; powering your sample size; etc.
  • Scientific Writing Program Seminar Series Video Channel: Can’t make it to the seminar? Enjoy the many recorded seminars available on a range of topics. 
  • Website: The Scientific Writing Program will be rolling out a comprehensive web site to meet your writing and editing needs:  Editing assistance and scheduling; Scientific Writing Seminar slides and video presentations on our channel, Workshop offerings and registration, Funding Opportunity Links, Grammar Resource links, Writing Tools, Library of Funded Grants; Commercial Resource links on editing services and tutorials; FAQs and Working with SPO. 


(Note: You may attend a workshop without being in the corresponding Writing Group.) 

  • The Biomedical Writing will have a ½-day didactic with mentoring in the afternoon.
    • Morning sessions (8 a.m. - Noon) will cover manuscript components, style, story arc, and getting published. One-hour afternoon sessions (1 - 4 p.m.) will be hands-on with a mentor to review your manuscript 1:1. You do not need to sign up for both sessions, but the morning session is required to register for the afternoon session.
    •  P.M. Mentoring Prerequisite: Registration and draft manuscripts must be submitted by Monday, April 15, 2020 to be assigned and reviewed by a mentor in advance of 1:1 discussion.
  • R and K Proposal Writing Workshops will be day-long didactic sessions covering crafting a proposal that establishes clear Specific Aims, substantial significance, transforming innovation, a rigorous approach, working with the Special Programs Office, a commanding biosketch, a vibrant summary and narrative, with concise and precise writing. The K Workshop will also cover Candidate background, Career Goals and Objectives, Career Development and Training Plan, the Responsible Conduct of Research, Human Subjects Protection, Mentorship Team and Responsibilities, Environment and Institutional Commitment, Letters of Support and References, and Budgeting.
  • R and K Writing Groups: If you are interested in submitting an R proposal on October 5, 2020, or a K proposal on June 12, 2021, and would like to participate in a Mentored Writing Group, please register for both the Workshop and the Writing Group. Attendance at the corresponding day-long workshops on R and K Proposal Writing will serve as prerequisites for participation in the corresponding Writing Group.  When registering for a Writing Group, you will need to identify a committed mentor to accompany you as well.  Writing Groups will meet every other week for 8-10 1.5-hr-sessions with regular assignments, mentored reviews and discussions, and constant revisions.  The mentor will be asked to attend the writing group meetings along with their mentee. Each mentor/mentee dyad will also be paired with another dyad for co-review and peer-to-peer revision. The final product is a submission-ready proposal. 

Editing Services

  • Grant Proposals: A 2019 Research Faculty survey identified proposal editing assistance as a principal need. In this increasingly competitive market, your scientific editor will assist PI’s with the editing of external grant applications to ensure the highest advantage of funding success. The Abigail Wexner Research Institute is offering this complimentary service to investigators who may desire to work with an editor and will provide us with your feedback. Limited opportunities are available, which will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis with priority given to NIH proposals. The most benefit comes from scheduling at least three months out from your due date. Interested investigators should contact Melody Davis directly by email to schedule a ½ hr. appointment to discuss your editing needs and get you on track to a successful and timely submission. You must fulfill three requirements to participate in this service:
    1. Adhere to the agreed-upon schedule once negotiated
    2. Complete a brief survey at the end for our service metrics
    3. Keep us informed on your proposal’s progress (e.g., review, scoring, and funding)
  • ManuscriptsEditing services for manuscripts designated to journals with impact factors > 2 are also available. The Abigail Wexner Research Institute is offering this complimentary service to authors who may desire to work with an editor and will provide us with your feedback. Limited opportunities are available, which will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis, although external grant applications will always take editing priority. The best available times for manuscript editing are July-August, November-December, and March-April or as time permits. Interested authors should contact Melody Davis directly by email to schedule a ½ hr. appointment to discuss your editing needs and get you on track to a successful and timely submission. You must fulfill three requirements to participate in this service:
    1. Adhere to the agreed-upon schedule once negotiated
    2. Complete a brief survey at the end for our service metrics
    3. Keep us informed on your manuscript’s progress (e.g., submission (including Journal’s name, review progress, rejection/revision, final publication reference).

2020 Scientific Writing Program Calendar of Events

Available Courses – Listed chronologically




Intended Audience


K01 (Mentored Research Career Development Awards) Proposal Writing Group

January 9 – May 28, 2020


10 – 11:30 a.m.

Enrollment closed.


K Grant Applicants for NIH 6/12/20 submission.


Be doing patient-oriented clinical/translational research and applying for a K-series grant for the next NIH grant cycle.

Have published at least three first-authored peer-reviewed papers in your broad area of research interest.

Have established a mentoring team (lead mentor and co-mentors) and have discussed your Specific Aims with your team.

Sessions 1 & 2: Specific Aims

Sessions 3 & 4: Significance and Innovation

Sessions 5 & 6: Career Development and Mentoring plan

Seminar: Managing Your Writing Time Productively

Monday, January 13, 2020

Noon – 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Eat that Frog! Do the hardest thing first!

ABCDE method. Prioritize!

Get it on paper!

Establishing Timelines

Revisions and Reviews

Seminar: Ramping Up Your Biosketch

Thursday, January 30, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Personalizing your Personal Statement

Position and Honors

Contributions to Science

Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance

Seminar: Writing the Approach with Rigor

Monday, February 7, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Intro. Paragraph

Justification & Feasibility

Review of Relevant Literature

Preliminary Studies: Rigorous Research Design, Expected Outcomes, Potential Problems & Alternative Approaches, Timeline and Future Directions

Seminar: Getting the Most from EndNote by Alison Gehred

Wednesday, February 18, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Using the software effectively to build bibliographies, link citations, and format to journal specifications.

Biomedical Writing Workshop (1/2 day didactic with mentoring in afternoon)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Lunch break from Noon - 1 p.m. on own.

Registration Required in Training Tracker; must register for each session separately.

Morning session registration ›

Afternoon session registration ›


Those currently writing scientific manuscripts.

Register for a.m. only or a.m. + p.m.

Priority given to those with draft manuscripts.

You do not need to sign up for both sessions; but the morning session is required to register for the afternoon session.

Morning sessions (8 a.m. - Noon) will be didactic covering manuscript components, style, story arc, and getting published. 1-hr afternoon sessions (1 - 4 p.m.) will be hands-on with a mentor to review your manuscript 1:1.

p.m. Mentoring Prerequisite: Draft manuscripts must be submitted by Monday, February 17, 2020 to be assigned to and reviewed by a mentor in advance of 1:1 discussion.

a.m. Didactic Topics:

Manuscript Pieces, Parts, & Structure

Manuscripts from the Editor’s Perspective

Twelve Tips for Better Papers

Combating Writer’s Block and Sloth

Creating a Story Line in Science Papers

Revising Manuscripts & Responding to Reviews

Plagiarism, Permissions, Consents and Other Pot Holes

Seminar: Cut the Fluff! Editing & Copyediting

Friday, March 6, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

The review process

How to line edit for flow, style, & organization.

How to copyedit grammar, syntax, acronyms, formatting

Concise and Precise phrasing

Seminar: Abstracts, & Summaries, & Narratives (Oh My!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Components of an Abstract

Differences between Abstracts, NIH Summaries and Narratives.

Seminar: Powerful Poster Presentations

Chris Bartlett, PhD

Monday, March 30, 2020

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.

Discovery WA1020 (Recorded)

Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers and poster presenters; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Planning and Preparing content

Organizing your poster

Emphasizing the visual

Know your audience

Scripting your presentation talk.

Seminar: How to Represent Your Data Well: Graphics & Figures

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


WA1525 (Recorded)

Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Let your data speak

How best to present your data: tables vs figures

Keeping Figures & Tables readable

NIH R Proposal Writing Workshop

Monday, April 27, 2020

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Lunch provided.

Registration required in Training Tracker ›


Aspiring proposal writers; more in-depth content.

Prerequisite for Hands-on R Writing Group Participants.

Crafting a proposal that establishes clear Specific Aims, significance and innovation, a rigorous approach, a commanding biosketch, vibrant summary and narrative, with concise and precise writing. The budget process and working with SPO will also be addressed.

Seminar: Working with Your Proposal Advocate: SPO

Todd Neilsen, Jeannette Holshu, Allison Pappas

Monday, May 4, 2020

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Lunch provided.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Are you eligible?

What is the Sponsored Projects Office, and how can we help you?

Request for Proposals (RFP) -- what does it all mean?

What to include in a budget

Required documents and how to submit a proposal

Workshop: Polishing the Specific Aims (SA) Page

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


NIH R or K proposal writers for February submission (or current proposal writers).

Hands on workshop.

Come with your Specific Aims page.

Understanding the Importance of the SA page to the Funder,

Defining a Meaningful Problem,

What? Why? Who?,

Making the SAs Achievable

The Payoff Paragraph.

Seminar: Distinguishing Significance and Innovation Sections

Friday, May 29,2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).


Significance Section

Establishing the Knowledge Gap

The Statement of Significance

Emphasize Benefits and Positive Impact (Innovation Section)

1: What is the current norm?

2: Depart from the Status Quo

3: Establish New Horizons

R Proposal Writing Group for 10/5/20 NIH Submission

June 1 - October 1, 2020 

Mondays or Thursdays 2:30 - 4 p.m.

Email Melody Davis ›


R Grant Applicants for NIH 10/5/20 submission.

Limited to 10 qualified applicants with committed mentors.

Prerequisite: NIH R Proposal Writing Workshop (4/27/20)

Mentored Writing Group to produce an NIH R proposal for submission 10/5/20; meets every other week with assignments, mentored reviews, and constant revisions. Final product ready to submit to NIH 10/5/20.

Seminar: Managing Your Writing Time Productively

Friday, June 12, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Eat that Frog!

ABCDE method

Get it on paper!

Establishing Timelines

Revisions and Reviews

Seminar: Ramping Up Your Biosketch

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Education and Personal Statement

Positions and Honors

Contributions to Science

Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance

Seminar: Writing the Approach with Rigor

Monday, July 8, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Intro Paragraph

Justification & Feasibility

Review of Relevant Literature

Preliminary Studies:

Research Design

Expected Outcomes

Potential Problems & Alternative Approaches


Future Directions

Seminar: Biostatistics Shasha Bai

Monday, July 13, 2020

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).


Seminar: Editors/Reviewers/ Mock Study Section Panel

Friday, July 24, 2020

10 a.m. - Noon

No registration required.

Lunch provided.

WA1020 (Recorded)

Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

The Grant Funding Process

What Reviewers are looking for

Interpreting and Responding to Critiques of Your Grant

Choosing a Journal

The Manuscript Review Process

Responding to Reviewer Comments

Seminar: Getting the Most from EndNote by Alison Gehred

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.

WA 1525

Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Using the software effectively to build bibliographies, link citations, and format to journal specifications.

Seminar: Cut the Fluff! Editing & Copyediting

Monday, August 10, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

The review process

How to line edit for flow, style, & organization.

How to copyedit grammar, syntax, acronyms, formatting

Concise and Precise phrasing

Biomedical Writing Workshop (1 day with mentoring)

Monday, August 17, 2020

8 a.m. - Noon; 1 - 4 p.m.

Lunch break from Noon -1 p.m. on own.

Registration Required in Training Tracker; must register for each session separately.

Morning session registration ›

Afternoon session registration ›


Those currently writing scientific manuscripts.

Register for a.m. only or a.m. + p.m.

Priority given to those with draft manuscripts.

You do not need to sign up for both sessions; but the morning session is required to register for the afternoon session.

Morning sessions will be a ½ day didactic on manuscript components, style, story arc, and getting published. Afternoon sessions will be hands-on with a mentor to review your manuscript 1:1.

p.m. Mentoring Prerequisite:

Draft manuscripts must be submitted by email to Melody Davis by Thursday, October 31, 2020 to be assigned to and reviewed by a mentor in advance of 1:1 discussion.

a.m. Didactic Topics:

Manuscript Pieces, Parts, & Structure

Manuscripts from the Editor’s Perspective

Twelve Tips for Better Papers

Combating Writer’s Block and Sloth

Creating a Story Line in Science Papers

Revising Manuscripts & Responding to Reviews

Plagiarism, Permissions, Consents and Other Pot Holes

Seminar: Abstracts, & Summaries, & Narratives (Oh My!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Components of an Abstract

Differences between Abstracts, NIH Summaries and Narratives.

Seminar: Working with Your Proposal Advocate: SPO

Todd Neilsen, Jeannette Holshu, Allison Pappas

Monday, September 7, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Are you eligible?

What is the Sponsored Projects Office, and how can we help you?

Request for Proposals (RFP) -- what does it all mean?

What to include in a budget

Required documents and how to submit a proposal

Seminar: Powerful Poster Presentations

Chris Bartlett, PhD

Monday, September 14, 2020 or Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.

Discovery WA1020 or WA1525 (Recorded)

Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers and poster presenters; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Planning and Preparing content

Organizing your poster

Emphasizing the visual

Know your audience

Scripting your presentation talk.

NIH K Proposal Writing Workshop

(Mentored Research Career Development Awards)

Friday, Octover 9, 2020

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Lunch provided.

Registration required in Training Tracker ›


Aspiring K proposal writers; more in depth content.

Prerequisite for Hands on K Writing Group Participants,

Crafting a proposal that establishes clear Specific Aims, significance and innovation, an aspiring Career Development and Mentoring plan, a commanding biosketch, and vibrant summary and narrative with concise and precise writing. The budget process and working with SPO will also be addressed.

Seminar: How to Represent Your Data Well: Graphics & Figures

Friday, October 16, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.



Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Let your data speak

How best to present your data: tables vs figures.

Keeping Figures & Tables readable

Workshop: Polishing the Specific Aims (SA) Page

Thursday, October 29, 2020

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


NIH R or K proposal writers for February submission (or current Proposal Writers).

Hands on workshop.

Come with your Specific Aims page.

Understanding the Importance of the SA page to the Funder

Defining a Meaningful Problem

What? Why? Who?

Making the SAs Achievable

The Payoff Paragraph

Seminar: Navigating NIH R- and K- Award Mechanisms by TBD

TBD (2nd Tues Fall 2020)

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.

WA1020 Discovery

Junior faculty members with:

Active research (clinical, basic science or translational) program - publications, national recognition, track record of funding (small)

Planning to submit an NIH grant

A degree of independence (no previous independent NIH funding)

Engaged mentoring team

Support from Division Chief/Center Director

Research commitment

Gain enough information to begin navigating the NIH (and NCH) system

Plant the seed to ask:

When is right?

What is right?

Who do I need to be right?

Seminar: Distinguishing Significance and Innovation Sections

Friday, November 13, 2020

11 a.m. - 12:00 pm

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).


Significance Section

Establishing the Knowledge Gap

The Statement of Significance

Emphasize Benefits and Positive Impact (Innovation Section)

1: What is the current norm?

2: Depart from the Status Quo

3: Establish New Horizons

Seminar: Getting the Most from EndNote by Alison Gehred

Thursday, December 3, 2020

11 a.m. – Noon

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).

Using the software effectively to build bibliographies, link citations, and format to journal specifications.

Seminar: Biostatistics

Monday, December 7, 2020

Noon - 1 p.m.

No registration required.

Brown bag lunch format.


Aspiring new proposal or manuscript writers; general content suitable for all audiences (staff, trainees, fellows, post-docs, jr. faculty).


K (Mentored Research Career Development Awards) Proposal Writing Group

January 2021 -  May 2021

Email Melody Davis to enroll.

Must have a committed mentor.



K Grant Applicants for NIH 6/12/21 submission;


Be doing patient-oriented clinical/translational research and applying for a K-series grant for the next NIH grant cycle.

Have published at least three first-authored peer-reviewed papers in your broad area of research interest.

Have established a mentoring team (lead mentor and co-mentors) and have discussed your Specific Aims with your team.

Sessions 1 & 2: Specific Aims

Sessions 3 & 4: Significance and Innovation

Sessions 5 & 6: Career Development and Mentoring plan